Everything your business requires. In an all-in-one smart, simple device.
Ready for sales
Start taking orders right away, with minimal set-up and training.
Smart Stocking
Categories, labels, modifiers and variants to make organizing your inventory easy
Reward loyal customers
Create a loyalty program within minutes—completely free.
Manage reports from anywhere
View your best sellers, pull reports, or just take a quick dashboard glance from anywhere.
Fast & Reliable
Why choose Clover Flex?
Think you can’t run your business on a handheld? Let us bring you up to speed.
Always working
Whether your ringing up 5 transactions a day or 1000. Wi-Fi, LTE connectivity and a lithium-ion battery will reduce down time substantially.
Cloud Data
All your data and info, always at your fingertips.
Versatile customization
Clover Flex gives you the same power as larger devices to customize your business the way you need to run it.
Need help customizing your Clover POS
Call us at 877-579-1113
Streamline curbside pick up with Clover Flex